Tuesday, September 18, 2007

In the beginning.....

In the beginning, I wish there had been more light!

I am just beginning my new job as child and youth coordinator here at Knox United Church in Calgary. I have been a member of this church for about 20 years. I have found it a wonderful home in which I can explore and develop my sense of spirituality. At the same time, I have watched children grow and leave the congregation - at least leave the activity they once exercised within this community. I am aware of some of the reasons and will try to respond to what I have been told as well as try to figure out whether my hypotheses are accurate.

What this is will hopefully help respond to some of those concerns. I am hoping that this blog can gather some of the people who might come to Knox, but who are not yet coming, or who have changed from this place. I invite you to participate. Perhaps we can use this to start a conversation and an exploration into how we can make this church more responsive to youth. The church should be a place where youth feel safe, feel at home, feel like they are valued, honoured, respected, and where they have a voice.

If you are wondering about the "Huda Hakawi" aspect of this.....

I hated the idea of going to "Sunday School" when I was a child. I rejected it even more strongly as an adolescent. This is why I refuse to see my job as a director of Sunday School.

When I was an adolescent, I was far more involved with trying to figure out who I was, what I believed, where I was going, and what I wanted to do in my future. There were few places for me to go to explore that. I was lucky. I met some very radical thinkers. These people were also people of ACTION. Incidentally, they were involved with my church. They were NOT, however, people who "preached" to me or my friends. They were not, what we referred to as "bible thumpers." They did challenge us to think and feel.

I am hoping to be more like these mentors of my past. So "Huda Hakawi" is what I am trying to establish as a child and youth program at Knox. Huda Hakawi is simply "Who the heck are we?" written to seem like something else. It does, however, signal people that my aim is to take direction from the youth or children who become a part of what we do.


Who are you?
Who do you want to be?
How do you want to become those people?
What role do you want?
What do you want to do?

I open the conversation to anyone who wants to participate. You don't need to be connected to our church or any church. You don't need to actually come to be physically present. I only ask you to join in the discussion. Let's see where it leads.

Who am I targeting?

  • Youth: 13 - 25.
  • Preferably near Calgary Alberta, but you don't have to be to engage in this discussion.
  • You likely are Christian or your family is so, but let's not limit this space to those who are Christian. Let's share who we are and get to know more about the diversity of the world. My daughter describes herself as not believing in anything. I would not close her from this conversation. She might have the questions and comments that stimulate real thought and growth.
  • Someone who is exploring their spirituality. Someone who wants to grow in her/his spirituality. Someone who wants to know themselves as a spiritual being.
  • Someone who doesn't mind "being in the process of growing".
I will not pretend to have the answers to all questions. I know that I am still growing in my own spirituality. I don't even know if I will have any answers to questions. I will, however, commit to exploring with you.

So, Who am I?
  • Staff Associate coordinating Children and Youth at Knox United Church.
  • Part of Knox United Church in Calgary Alberta
  • A former teacher and public school administrator
  • a father of two
  • Dr. Dan (this link will take you to my facebook page. You can get lots of info - likely more than you want.)
So let's see where we go. Please feel free to join in!

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