Thursday, November 29, 2007

Advent Begins

Even though we have yet to arrive to December, Advent has begun with a flourish! I wish that all flourishes were lovely, but some are not.

The trees go up in the sanctuary today. They get decorated tomorrow evening. Most of the bulletins for December are already printed - they would all be printed if it weren't for me - I seem to be a hurdle. The sanctuary itself has been decorated with wreaths and poinsettias. Advent candle wreath has been unearthed and set up - minus the Christ candle, but someone has taken responsibility to find it and/or get a new one. And I am finding out that there are fewer differences between working in a school and working in a church than I first imagined. Nerves get just as fraught in a church as they do in a school - even without report cards.

As well, the literacy project was approved at the board meeting last week. I am trying to raise $6,000.00 for the software and hardware upgrades; find a source for lunches; get pamphlets designed, printed, and distributed; and generally get organized to be open for the beginning of January.

We do have a name. "Sanctuary@Knox" is what we're calling it. I am hoping that it appeals to those who will eventually come. I'm trying to emphasize the safe aspect of the program as well as acknowledging that we are a church. It also hints that we are a technology rich learning environment. I am pumped, but I am also finding that the details can get a bit cumbersome. All part of the work. The good part of that is the support from the board and many individual members of this community. I helps me get through the maze of technicalities as well as over the hurdles.

There is also a feeling of wonder that this is happening at the same time as we begin a liturgical year. I think I am going to find increasingly that there is meaning in that.

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