Friday, October 19, 2007


The committee that acts as an advisory group met last night. It was a time to get some feedback, look at what I'm doing and a time for them to look at and consider my literacy project.

This committee is comprised of the people who were on the search team that hired me for this position as well as the head of the committee in charge of staffing and hiring. They volunteer and we meet once a month. They are extremely dedicated to having the church succeed in meeting the needs of our church and the community it serves. They are also people with whom I have been acquainted for many years, with some of whom I have worked on behalf of the church and with some of whom I have sung in the choir.

I presented my proposal to them because, if they do not support the concept, I truly should question my involvement. They were extremely supportive and asked all the questions that need to be asked if this will ever get off the ground. In essence, it was their questions and the needs they identified that are the real support that this group gives. They helped identify the issues that will keep the project from being a success.

How wonderful it is to work in an environment like this! They look after the well-being, not only of the children and youth we serve, but of the personnel as well. I really feel blessed to be in this environment. I feel that I have been given an opportunity to continue "changing the world."

More as I continue working out the details of this new mission!

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